Feng shui principai namų dekorui. Kaip sukurti harmoniją?

Feng shui principles for home decor. How to create harmony?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that aims to balance the human environment with the forces of nature to promote health, well-being and happiness.

In this article, we will delve into the main principles of Feng Shui in home decor, which will help you create a harmonious and peaceful home environment.

A great decor element for the living room or any other space in the home can be paintings on canvas from our store collection.

Basics of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is based on three main principles: Chi (life energy), Yin and Yang (balance of opposite forces) and the theory of five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water).

Home decor that follows these principles promotes positive energy circulation and helps create a harmonious living space.

With the help of Feng Shui principles, it is possible not only to improve the appearance of the house, but also to achieve deeper emotional and psychological comfort, which promotes a healthier and more harmonious lifestyle.

Home zoning according to the Bagua map

The bagua map is a tool that helps you identify and optimize areas of your home that correspond to different areas of your life.

Each zone is responsible for a certain aspect of life, such as wealth, health or love. Depending on what changes you want to see in your life, you can start decorating and activating the relevant Bagua areas with certain colors, shapes or elemental accents.

For example, elements that activate the wealth zone can be various golden accents or other objects corresponding to the element of water, symbolizing the flow of wealth and financial prosperity.

The application of these principles in the interior of the home encourages the conscious arrangement of spaces and objects in order to maximize the potential of positive energy.

Creating harmony in different areas of the home through decor


The living room is where the family gathers most often, so it is very important to promote positive Chi circulation here.

The arrangement of furniture should promote the free movement of energy, and the colors and materials used should reflect the balance between Yin and Yang. Warm colors and wood elements, for example, can add coziness and warmth.

Living room lighting should be bright enough to encourage activity during the day and soft enough to create a sense of calm in the evening.

Using accent pieces like artwork or plants can help bring personal character and add balance to a space while attracting the energy you want.


The bedroom is a personal relaxation oasis.

According to Feng Shui, it is especially important here to avoid an excess of technological devices, so that the space remains conducive to peace.

Here, it is recommended to use calm earth colors, and the bed, as the main object in the room, should be placed in such a way that the entrance to the room can be seen from it.

It is also important that the bed is not directly under the windows or in the line between the doors and windows to avoid drafts and excessive energy flow that can interfere with a peaceful rest.

The choice of bedding also plays an important role in creating the atmosphere - it is recommended to choose bedding made of natural materials, such as cotton or linen, which would help create a feeling of softness and comfort.

Kitchen and dining room

The kitchen and dining room are like the heart of the home, so it's important to promote health and well-being here.

The choice of colors should promote appetite and good mood, and the layout of the space should promote socialization and communication between family members.

In order for positive energy to prevail in the kitchen and dining room, it is important to arrange furniture and appliances correctly, for example, the stove should be oriented so that the entrance to the space is visible during cooking, thus symbolically receiving a good flow of Chi.

Adequate lighting is also very important - light sources should be bright enough for cooking, but at the same time adjustable for a more cozy atmosphere when eating.

Color Psychology and Feng Shui Color selection is an essential part of home decor, affecting people's emotional state.

Feng Shui recommends choosing colors based on their compatibility with the five elements and the energy you want to bring to a particular space in your home.

Relaxation, peace, emotional balance.
Depth, mystery, intuition and deep reflection.
Energy, passion, focus and activity.
Growth, vitality, health.
Optimism, joy and awareness.
Cleanliness, new beginnings, clarity.
Stability, reliability, security.
Wealth, spirituality, creativity.

The most common mistakes made in creating such an interior and how to avoid them

  • Too many decorative elements - Try to keep it simple by avoiding too many decorative elements that can create visual noise and hinder the flow of energy.
  • Improper placement of furniture - Ensure that furniture is placed in such a way that it does not interfere with the free movement of energy.
  • The effect of color is ignored - colors have a profound effect on our emotional state and energy. Choose colors that match the purpose of each space.
  • Improper lighting - lighting that is too weak or too strong can negatively affect the energy of the space. Also, use natural light sources wherever possible.
  • Insufficient connection with nature - Feng Shui emphasizes the importance of natural elements in the home interior. Bring live plants into your home to improve the circulation of life energy (Chi).

In conclusion

The principles of Feng Shui in home decor can be a great tool for anyone seeking to create a harmonious and healthy environment in their home.

Although it may seem difficult at first, step by step, you can achieve significant changes.

The most important thing is to experiment, listen to your intuition and enjoy the creative process.

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