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Įsivaizduok erdvę, kurioje vyrauja žemės spalvos, ramybę spinduliuojančios abstrakčios formos ir subtilūs augalų motyvai. Tai Japandi – skandinaviško minimalizmo ir japoniškos estetikos derinys, kuriantis jaukų, subalansuotą interjerą.
Leisk savo namams alsuoti natūralumu – pampų žolės, lotoso žiedai, bonzai ar sakurų žiedai suteiks erdvei lengvumo ir rafinuoto grožio. Jei traukia paslaptinga gamta, rinkis paveikslus su kalnais, Fuji kalnu, jūros dugno paslaptimis ar mistišku dangumi.
Ieškai išskirtinumo? Torii vartai, grakščios geišos ar net fantastiški vienaragiai taps nepakartojamu akcentu, kuris pavers Tavo namus stilinga, įkvepiančia erdve. O jei svajoji apie ramybės oazę, saulėlydžio spalvomis nudažyti paveikslai įneš šilumos ir atsipalaidavimo pojūtį.
Sukurk harmoniją ir estetiką savo namuose! Užsisakyk Japandi stiliaus paveikslą ant drobės internetu už gerą kainą ir pajusk tikrą interjero magiją.
Painting on canvas, Sunset on the Beach on a Summer Evening
from €59,99
from €59,99
Canvas painting, Zen of white orchids
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Sea in Pastel sale
Regular price
Regular price
Painting on canvas, Sunset by the Seashore sale
Regular price
Regular price
Three-part painting on canvas, Japanese garden
Regular price
Regular price
Painting on canvas, Sunset over the sea
Regular price
Regular price
Painting on canvas, Zen stones sale
Regular price
Regular price
Canvas painting, Desert Sun 3D
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Sunset over the sea...
from €59,99
from €59,99
Painting on canvas, Sunset and the Magic of the Seashore
from €59,99
from €59,99
Canvas painting, Japanese mountain landscape at sunset
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Mountain landscape
from €54,99
from €54,99
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Forest in the fog, view from the window
from €54,99
from €54,99
Picture on canvas, View of the sea through the window
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Forest in Autumn Mist
from €54,99
from €54,99
Picture on canvas, Alpine mountains above the clouds
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, 3D white balls
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Rocky mountain landscape
from €54,99
from €54,99
Canvas painting, Path to the beach view from the window
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Summer Sunset on the Beach
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Abstract flower
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Sea waves sale
Regular price
Regular price
Painting on canvas, Forest in pastels sale
Regular price
Regular price
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Dr. Monekers, Makkuro Kurosuke
from €59,99
from €59,99
Canvas print, Hakuna Matata Pokemon
from €59,99
from €59,99
Painting on canvas, Blooming orchids at night
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Acacia flowers
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Green lotus leaves in the mist
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Lotus leaves in the mist
from €54,99
from €54,99
Painting on canvas, Gentle touch of flowers
from €54,99
from €54,99
You're viewing 32 of 372 products